Annual membership conference

Sihanoukville Provinces: On March 13 and 14, 2024, the Child Rights Coalition Cambodia (CRC-Cambodia) conducted the annual membership conference with 41 participants (12 Females) in total, which aimed to:
- Sharing the significant achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and good practices among all members of CRC-Cambodia.
- Enhance the participation, communication, and collaboration of CRC-Cambodia’s members and secretariats in collecting action to improve children’s rights in Cambodia.
- Review and provide constructive feedback on the secretariat’s statute for enhancing the functionality of CRC-Cambodia, including thematic working groups (TWGs) toward strategic goals.
- Enhance the knowledge of CRC-Cambodia’s members in relation to UN mechanisms related to children’s rights.
- Develop a comprehensive joint advocacy plan in compliance with recommendations from the child rights committee to monitor and hold the government and key stakeholders accountable for promoting and protecting children’s rights in Cambodia.

Throughout this annual conference, CRC-Cambodia’s members have identified progress and achievement against 2023, challenges, and lessons learned from five thematic working groups. NGO members also have a chance to share good practices regarding child rights monitoring and advocacy.

Moreover, participants also enhanced their understanding of the Engagement on UN Human Rights Mechanism, which specifically refers to the UNCRC and UPR. More importantly, a joint advocacy plan is developed for the year 2024 by the coalition and its members to comply with recommendations from the child rights committee to monitor and hold the government and key stakeholders accountable for promoting and protecting children’s rights in Cambodia.