Children’s Needs, investment, and Child Rights Programming

On 24 and 25th May 23, CRC-Cambodia has conducted the workshop on “Children’s Needs, investment, and Child Rights Programming” in Phnom Penh. Through funding support from Save the Children, under the project SIDA CSO Strengthening, the participants from various NGOs who are working on child rights is get to gain more understanding of Child Right Situation analysis, Universal Periodic Review, Concluding Observation, Child Rights Programming, and Child Rights Base Approach.

This 2 days’ workshop aims to:
- To identify the key actors and activities in terms of advocacyframework at both internal organization and external levels.
- To promote participants to better understand Child Rights Programming, and provide an opportunity for own reflection on how CRP has been put into practice.
- To build the capacity of participants to apply child rights principles throughout the programming cycles.