Training on children’s rights, climate change

Children’s Rights to a Safe, Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment!
On June 21–22, CRC-Cambodia organized a training on children’s rights, climate change, and the environment for the steering committee and members of CYLNs, which aims to:

- Increase children’s and youth’s understanding of climate change and the environment and be capable of identifying the local impact of environmental challenges and understanding biodiversity and ecosystem service.
- Enhance the knowledge of participants about the interconnectedness of natural systems and the impact of human activities on the environment, and promote responsible consumption and resource management to ensure long-term environmental sustainability.
- Strengthen or build collaboration among the steering committee and members of Child and Youth Led Networks (CYLNs) by child-friendly methodology and provide them with the space where they could initiate their own campaign for their rights to a healthy environment.

By using the child-friendly method, which includes a participatory approach, children and youth are able to give a definition and identify the type of environment, understanding deeply the biodiversity and ecosystem linked to their daily lives by drawing a map of their community and the importance of biodiversity. Additionally, representatives from the LLC also support sharing on pollution, with a greater focus on air pollution, water pollution, plastic pollution, and waste pollution.

By using the child-friendly method, which includes a participatory approach, children and youth are able to give a definition and identify the type of environment, understanding deeply the biodiversity and ecosystem linked to their daily lives by drawing a map of their community and the importance of biodiversity. Additionally, representatives from the LLC also support sharing on pollution, with a greater focus on air pollution, water pollution, plastic pollution, and waste pollution.