Training on SHIFT 360s campaign module to SIDA partners and NGO members

On 25-26th April 2024, CRC-Cambodia conducted the training on SHIFT 360s campaign module to SIDA partners and NGO members aim to improve the knowledge of NGO members and SIDA partners about SHIFT Campaign and enable them to practice effectively with proper methodologies and adequate tools toward child rights promotion.

There are 20 participants (F:6) who have joined this training from Banteay Srei Organization, CDPO, CCYMCR, TLC, GADC, WOMEN, CCC, MPC, PSOD, CAD, KNGO, CTOD, MIPAD, and SCI. This training is fully funded by Sweden Sverige through SCI Cambodia under SIDA CSO Strengthening Project.

As the result of the training, NGO partners and members have a deepen understanding on tools to produce the campaign with children and youth and strengthen their expertise in working with children with the SHIFT Module to ensure the meaningful participation of children.