Workshop on Civic Space with CRC-Cambodia’s members and SIDA partners, which was held in Phnom Penh.

From November 2–3, 2023, CRC-Cambodia collaborated with CCC to conduct the Workshop on Civic Space with CRC-Cambodia’s members and SIDA partners, which was held in Phnom Penh. The workshop has been successfully conducted with the funding support of SIDA through Save the Children.

The workshop has deepened on several agenda items, such as understanding and general concept of civic space and enabling environment; dimensions of enabling environment; sharing research findings on enabling environment and civic space analysis; UN Human Rights Mechanism; a refresher on advocacy and campaigning; and developing an influence strategy for civic space.

The workshop aims to:
1) Understand civic space, the enabling environment, and its dimensions.
2) Give a refresher on advocacy strategy and advocacy concepts.
3) Learn the concept of organizing the campaign.
4) Discuss and develop the advocacy strategy and risk mitigation.